11.11.14 - Unleash the 'Telescopes'!

Today’s the day!  ‘Telescopes’ is here and it’s available on iTunes and Spotify.


I plan to write a blog along the lines of ‘what we learned’ from making ‘Telescopes’… but for now, I’ll say that we’re very happy with the record.  We think it’s a solid, good-sounding indie rock record.  Is it a Rich Costey mix?  No.  But for being a couple kids mixing a record in their apartment (with two dogs sitting on their laps, btw), we think we did a good job.  We certainly think we have grown with each consecutive release.  

As one of the few, proud blog readers here… you have heard our thoughts through the process of making this record.  Well, there’s a whole lot more coming.  I’m hoping to refocus these posts a bit more too… hoping to make it less of a newsfeed (hey, look what we did!) and more of a reflective piece.  

So, here’s one bit…  We’ve already begun writing the next album.  I have about 15 songs sketched out that need to be demoed.  We will follow the same process that we did on ‘Telescopes’, starting with demos and fleshing out our favorite tracks.  I hope to write a total of 30 songs for the project, which we’ll sculpt into (likely) a classic 12-song record.  Who knows.  A lot will change in the coming months.  Oh, and I have the title for the record… ‘Ocean Blue, Velvet Skies’.  It will be a progression of the sound presented in ‘Telescopes’… ahhhh, but which way will we progress?  Why, you’ll just have to keep reading to find out…

Madelynn Elyse